How to Prepare for a Board Meeting Online

Online board meetings are an excellent way to keep in touch without placing yourself or your colleagues at risk. Attendees do not have to alter their schedules or block out all day for a trip across different time zones. This gives them more flexibility in scheduling meetings. It also allows board members who work overseas to attend meetings despite quarantine or travel restrictions.

Like all meetings, the success of a board meeting online is contingent on the effectiveness of preparation and clear communication. It’s crucial, therefore to establish a set of rules that will ensure everyone on the board is following the conversation and remain engaged. For instance, you could ask remote attendees to put their phones in silent or vibrate mode and reminding them to not stand near a window that could provide unwanted reflections on the screen.

Video is another method to increase engagement in meetings. Instead of relying on audio, you can use video. This will allow the participants to meet face-to-face, and better understand their body language. This isn’t easy to do over the phone or on computers. It also makes it easier for the chair to determine who is speaking and to give them the floor, especially in the event of multiple participants.

In the end, it’s crucial to secure your document storage as boards store an abundance of sensitive data. A dedicated system will allow you to store all documents in a single place, with administrators capable of limiting access and set permissions. It can also aid in collaboration and improve productivity during meetings by assigning tasks that are then tracked and monitored.

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