How to Take Minutes at a Board Meeting

Taking minutes at the board meeting is a major responsibility that requires a keen eye. The accuracy of the minutes that reflect the board’s decisions and discussions are essential to preserve records and protect directors in the future.

You should record the date, the date, the time and location of the meeting. This information will enable future readers to pinpoint the location and time of the meeting, as well as ensure they have all the necessary information to review the board or legal proceedings. It is also important to record if this was a special, regular, or annual meeting.

Avoid adding your opinions or comments when recording discussions and making decisions. This is especially important if the discussion was contentious, because it could affect the credibility of the board’s meeting minutes. Make sure you stick to the facts. The absence of clear and concise descriptions can expose your board to legal liability.

Make sure to record any declarations of interests from directors or anyone who was a participant in the decision-making process. This will stop future conflicts of interests from being ignored or not being noticed, and also encourage a higher degree of accountability among board members.

If the secretary who is board website the main member of the board or member who takes minutes cannot be present, you can designate a substitute for these positions in advance. This will ensure that the minutes are taken in an orderly and consistent manner. This will allow the board keep track of its agenda and to produce accurate minutes at each meeting.


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